Monday, June 30, 2008

Pride and glory

Or is it pride and prejudice? I can't really remember. As far as I'm concerned it's pride, as in GAY PRIDE yay! And glory, for the glorious subsequent night, of which I dare not speak. Anyways. Pride weekend and its traditional wackfest, err I mean parade, is the event every decent member of this proudly deviant community is eagerly waiting for. All year long. Since it's fucking hetero-pride on the 364 remaining days... So "La Marche des Fiertés" was awesome: some 700,000 oddly dressed (or undressed) people gathered in downtown Paris (yeah, now you know where I live) to celebrate their gayness. They mourn it the rest of the time, that goes without saying.

From what I gathered, there are a few underlying goals in organizing the said event. First, it's the best excuse anyone has ever come up with to party in the day time, get drunk on the streets without getting arrested, thus pissing off all the uptight, hardworking neighbors, while listening to the shittiest dance music alive. And not feeling guilty about it. Here's proof :
Then, totally paralyzing half of the city is a way of getting back at all those pain-in-the-ass taxi drivers who keep on striking (either because of sky-rocketing gas prices, or just because truck drivers are doing it). Proof again :
Last but not least, pride is passive-agressive resistance against consumerism. Start off by getting all those go-for-nothing passersby attention, through the means of colorful, loud and really really slow floats. Then, coyly using various ridiculous outfits, prevent all those assholes from spending money they don't have, on obnoxious and abusive sales. Water proof :
Now maybe I completely misinterpret the whole thing...Wouldn't be the first time. I love it nonetheless. There are however a few things I seem understand properly, sometimes. Like for instance, pretty young girl body language at a party. Or maybe that was just the various illicit substances talking. Whatever.

Pride rocks ! Dykes, fags, trannies and other lovely whatchamacallit, be proud ! The damn thing was fun, and I can't wait for next year. Is it pride day yet? (Photo credits: Stéphane Popingays Martin !)

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