Tuesday, October 21, 2008

8 Against 8 - Let's get married!

Let's not make this a habit, but today, we are talking politics. More specifically, American politics. Even Californian politics. Yes, of course, what else could it be ? It's the ban on Gov. Schwarzeneger's speedos youth pictures ! No. Really, it's about the ban on gay marriage. Come on, unless you've been in hiding with Ossama Bin Laden for a year or so, you KNOW it has been overturned by the State of California's supreme court, so that Ellen could get yet another cover of People Magazine with Portia.

Well, that newly acquired right is threatenend by some proposition, namely the infamous Number 8 (you're a wanker number niiiiiiiine... Sorry, too much Lena Headey lately). Prop. 8, to be voted in November, would permanently define marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman. We all know how well that usually goes.

So, some (8, to be precise) smart blogging ladies (my fav, Dorothy the mighty) have united to gather funding to fight the said restrictive proposition. They have set up a little diddely web page, 8 against 8, where everyone, anyone, you, can make a tiny (or very substantial) donation to help fight the evil Prop.8. These terrible eight aim at raising $8,000 in 8 days (October 20-27). It's for the good of mankind (or gaykind). So, if you like lesbians and gays (you like me, that's a start *ultra-brite toothpaste commercial smile*), help them/us not be second-class citizens in California.

Hopefully, if California gives gay marriage a go, other American states will too. And it will slowly contaminate France. Because it's common knowledge that whatever Americans like, our tiny president does too...

So go on, click, donate (even $5, that's hardly 3.75€, come on !) and help fight for our right to further develop lesbian bed death (sex gets boring after marriage, or so I heard). We gays also want to have the magical opportunity to pick ridiculous flowery outfits, get shitfaced in front of our entire family and feed each other disgustingly creamy cake ! (and then get divorced and fight over the cat's litter box...). So please, be kind, rewind and DONATE !

NOTE: I will not take any oh-my-credit-card-is-not-American-it-won't-work crap. I did it. Any dumb-ass can. Do it ! Pretty pleaaaase.


The Gentleman said...

funny thing... I've almost donate 5K to the cause... honest mistake, I've used a point instead of a comma after the first zero :P
Anyway it feels good to contribute to the cause :D [And I think I have way more chance to move to California and get married than have the same rights in Italy :( ]

Lezlie Mac said...

well if you win the green card lottery, take me along... !

Anonymous said...

When Governments legislate how we should live, it's the end of civilization as we know it...oh, no, wait, that happened last week.

Great endeavour, I hope it pans out.

Personally, I'm not interested in marrying anyone. I would, however, like to have some form of 'Rights' when it comes to sharing my life with a person for any length of time. But maybe that's too Utopian to hope for. :-/

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love your new layout ! ;)
Keep up the amazing posts...

Kisses from J.