Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Warning ! Do not use for waxing.

Labels. Don't ever try to wax with labels, it just doesn't work. On that random note, let me explain the subject of todays banter. No thanks to someone up in a former British vacation resort (which they gave up, it was too cold and the people over there had the weirdest accent), I now have to publicly disclose 7 factoids on my oh-so-private self. I don't know what would happen though, were I to deny/refuse/ignore the unwanted mission. Would an anvil fall on my left foot while I got hit by a truck full of live but headless chicken? Would my garden be invaded by blood-sucking locusts ? I'll take my chances, I don't care. I don't even have a garden... Allright, I won't, I'll do the damn thing.

The rules of this annoying game are:

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog
(, aforementionned person living somewhere in mapple syrup country)
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I'll do the first 2 but since I'm ADD, I will have switched to dusting my cellar by the time I reach #3...Where was I? Eeerrmmm...aahaa ! Facts. Tadaaaa :

1. I love confusing American tourists on the Parisian Metro by helping them when they're lost. They won't believe I'm not really American (it's all about the accent).

2. I hate garlic more than Dracula does.

3. I sometimes misuse my ADD to my very own advantage (grin. What? Who? Hu? Oh, not that often...)

4. I cook without ever using a cookbook or a recipe, even desserts. Thus, people think I'm a good cook.

5. I only have eight toes in total, I'm actually a salamander.

6. I have interviewed the person I most wanted to meet on the planet and she told me my interview was one of the best she'd ever done. Shara Worden, last week, I'm boasting, I'm so proud, I know...

6. I once cried during a rock concert (actually on 4 different songs). Shara Worden, last week, not very butchy, I know...

I think I have to eat now. Or is it time to dust my cellar? Wait. Do I even have one? I can't remember. If you can read this, make me a sandwich. I like mustard. Did you even notice there was no #7 ? Now you are lost.

Wry Writer, I will have my revenge... Poutine is best served cold. I don't even know what that means but yeah I'll be back. Or maybe I'll be Sarah Connor...?
Or Lena Headey. Heh heh just because..


Anonymous said...

A vampire salamander with ADD who's handy in the kitchen...what a great catch! You should put that on a personal ad!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who let's say... encourages... her ADD on occasion.

And I often cook without a cook-book. I'd say that's another thing we have in common, but since my food comes out crap I'm not sure if I can count it or not. :)

The Gentleman said...

eheh... I want only warn you that I'm about to tag you on my blog ;)

Lezlie Mac said...

Yeah I sure am handy. But with 4 finger hands...
I'll think about the personal ad when I'm desperate, Julie

Hedon, I knew I wasn't the only one...What's worse : slightly misusing ADD or calling in sick to play video games...Tough one.

The Gentleman, you can't tag me, I'm immune to labels ha!

Anonymous said...

Dang! Ta muchly for making the effort, and making for making me laugh!

And pomander, er, I mean, salamander? All scaly, black and orange, and prone to breathing under water? Hmm...

Oh, and cooking without a recipe, is just so butch! lol!

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to try and bribe you with a freshly cooked poutine, sent by express UPS to take the Hit notice off my head...will it work? :)

Lezlie Mac said...

Alex I'm NOT scaly. Nor orange for that matter. Ok I get really dark in the summertime but that's it.
As for the underwater breathing, I'll have to check that again. In a tub. With a girl...I wish.

Attempting to bribe someone living in France (aka Food country) with poutine, even the freshest on earth, is as likely to succeed as trying to teach a pumpkin how to speak...
Come on, you too can do better than that !